Sunday, January 13, 2008

"Fake Bag"

I tell you when i first seen this bag i knew i had to get me one of these exclusive "FAKE BAGS". This bag combines the Louis Vuitton brand and graphic image of FAKE. Its also reversible which I love. When you can have something reversible it gives you sooo many variety of ideas on how you can use it. I think the whole idea of this bag is brilliant. Having a message of knock-offs and idolization of brand names. Only 100 that's right just 100 were made for the art exhibit in Seoul called "Wake up Andy Warhol" You may can't get this bag but you can get the other two editions called Fake-Too Perfect and Fake-Perfect Fake.

1 comment:

Meetri TheeYumFuq said...

OMG!!! lmao.
this bag was just so many things at once.

cute post babes lol.
